Their abilities revolve around making sure their allies are safe. When there's defending that needs to be done, a Gauntlet is standing in front. So their abilities make them great leaders.
Consequently, all of their abilities go to making them better diplomats. They make great arbiters and value diplomacy over outright combat. All of their abilities involve the natural world.
What I wanted was to make each faction unique and interesting, with abilities that matched the flavor of that faction. I'm not sure if I've made things too unclear, (obviously what I want makes sense in my head, but if I present it to players, will it make sense to them?) Also, I'm stumped on what I should do for a lot of the rank 5 abilities. I decided I wanted to expand on that a bit. They have ranks, but you gain nothing from pursuing those ranks. They're there, but almost as an afterthought.
I really dislike the way factions are handled in 5th ed.